League RulesA. Team Captains are responsible for:
B. Teams A legal team will be composed of no more than 5 or 6 shooters as required based on the number of participants. Pre-shot rounds (bank scores) count as part of the team. Team member selection will be determined by a method approved by the league members. C. Absentee Scores (Shooter has not banked for the week) An absentee score will be assigned to the shooter if they have no banked (see paragraph F). It is preferred that shooters maintain a banked score so as not to penalize themselves or their team. An absentee score is computed as follows: The individual’s aggregate weekly average minus 2.5 birds. D. Substitutions There will be no substitutes. Monday and Tuesday afternoon is reserved for league shooting, however, practice for league members will be allowed starting at approximately 4:15 p.m. and ending at approximately 5:15 p.m. League shooting begins at 5:30 p.m. E. Forfeitures There are no forfeitures. F. Bank Scores In the event of personal business, travel, vacation, etc., a league member may shoot ahead for the following week(s). There are two types of banks. The first type of bank is referred to as a “dedicated bank” because it is shot to cover a known absence. The second type of bank is referred to as a “floating bank” because it floats unused until you are absent for whatever reason for example, sickness, family emergency, work emergency, inclement weather etc. Any league member who banks more than 2 nights in either discipline will not be eligible for individual awards. Exceptions to this rule will only be made by discretion of the league officers. If the league member knows that they will be absent more than one week, they may bank as many dedicated bank rounds as necessary to cover their absences. One floating bank (2 rounds) will be allowed for emergencies and unexpected sudden notices that do not allow enough time for a league member to bank ahead. Banks may only be used within the respective game (trap or skeet) for which the league member shot the bank score in. A bank score shot in trap may not be used in skeet and vice versa. A shooter may have a floating bank score for both trap and skeet. Individuals requiring special circumstances may make a request to the league secretary for consideration. When shooting a bank score, the individual must declare the bank score prior to shooting the rounds. The club manager will provide a score sheet to the shooter on which the puller will record the bank scores. Unless shooting a floating bank, the league member must indicate and declare which league day the bank score is to be used for. A “dedicated bank” should be marked with the date it is to be used on and the shooters name. A “floating bank” should be marked with the word “Floating” and the shooters name. If you have banked a score for any league night in anticipation of being absent and then you show up for the league night’s shooting, your bank score will not be used and you will be expected to shoot with your team members. Bank scores will be accepted from any regulation field and need not be witnessed by a league member. All bank scores must be shot at the Fort Worth Trap & Skeet Club. No scores shot at any other gun club may be used for league scoring purposes. “Floating bank” scores must be paid for at the time you bank ($11.50 for two rounds). “Dedicated bank” scores do not require any additional payment as these are substituted for your weekly score for the date indicated which have already been paid for in your league fee. G. Handicaps Individual handicaps will be established after 2 rounds of both trap and skeet for any new shooter. The method for computing the handicap is as follows: The baseline number from which the actual number of targets broken out of a round of 25 is 24. The average number of targets hit for two rounds (on a per round basis) is subtracted from 24 and then multiplied by 70% to arrive at a shooter’s handicap.
Handicaps are calculated weekly and are based on the average per round score of the total number of targets shot (per discipline) in that league. Handicaps are carried over from league to league, but not from year to year. For shooters with averages less than 10 and 80% handicap will be applied. H. Shotguns Semi-automatic, pump or double barrel 12 gauge (or smaller) guns may be used during the scheduled league shoots. Shooters may not use any gauge gun larger than the gauge that they use on the first night of shooting to establish their handicaps. Any league member may use a smaller gauge gun after establishing their handicap, but additional handicap will not be allowed for using a smaller gauge gun. I. Ammunition The largest load permissible shall not exceed a 3 1/4 dram equivalent with no more than a 1 1/8-ounce load of 7½ shot. Hand loads may be used. Any shells with larger powder loads and heavier shot loads are strictly prohibited by the Fort Worth Trap & Skeet Club. J. Defective Ammunition A maximum of three (3) reload misfires shall be allowed per round and all succeeding ammo malfunctions will be scored as a “lost target.” Defective Ammunition is defined as:
A target shall be repeated for each allowable instance of defective ammunition. K. Gun Malfunction A gun malfunction is defined as failure of gun to operate or function through no fault of the shooter. The shooter must not be considered at fault if he/she has complied with the manufacturer’s operating instructions for loading the gun, and the gun does not fire. L. Shooting Procedure In general, the rules of the league shall conform to the NSSA and ATA rules. Specifically, the following rules shall apply.
M. Prizes (Trophy Committee) Team Awards – Amount of places to be determined by the amount of teams and decided by the trophy committee. A minimum of two places. Individual Awards -These awards may be given for men, women, and children and maybe combined for the High Overall category as well. Any league member who banks more than 2 nights in either discipline will not be eligible for individual awards. Exceptions to this rule will only be made by discretion of the league officers. NOTE: All decisions are at the discretion of the trophy committee. N. Shootoffs When a tie exists after the final week of shooting for the league championship or for individual awards, a shoot-off will be held to determine the championship. Only one individual trophy category can be won per person. All ties in skeet will be broken by shooting doubles at stations 2,3,4,5 & 6, total score, fair pair in the air rules. All ties in trap will be broken by shooting two shots from each station at the 25-yard line, total score. All ties for HOA and League Championship will consist of total scores from both skeet and trap shootoffs. O. League Fees League fees shall be negotiated between the league and the Fort Worth Trap & Skeet Club. Fees shall be discussed and league members notified of current league fees during the league organizational meeting held in March each year. P. Inclement Weather The league president and Club manager will decide if the league should not shoot due to inclement weather. This decision will be made as early as possible but no later than by the start of the scheduled day’s shooting, (i.e. 5:30 p.m.). The league will still meet as usual and wait for the final decision. If a decision can be made sooner, all shooters will be notified by e-mail if possible. Club management will also be notified as well, so that any call-ins by league shooters can be notified of the league president’s decision. If the decision is made NOT to shoot, it is the league member’s responsibility to make up, by banking, the targets for that week due to weather cancellation. Shooters will be allowed to bank until the second Saturday after the rain out date. This allows approximately 10 to 11 days to make up scores. If the decision is made to go ahead and shoot and a member is absent, a blind score will be used unless they have a bank available. Q. Protest Any member of the Trap & Skeet League can file a protest if he or she feels that the rules have been violated or are unfair, or if a safety hazard or damaging of the club property has been observed. The protest will be handled by the team captain through the league officers, who will be ultimately responsible for resolving the protest. For general safety rules, please see our Safety Rules and Regulations. |