Guest Policy
- Guest Policy applies to non-members who are not a guest of an active club member.
- Non-member shooting is allowed for a $10 guest fee and $10 per round
- Non-members must be accompanied by a staff member at all times
- Non-member shooting is only permitted twice, before non-member will be asked to join Fort Worth Trap & Skeet as member.
- Former club members who have dropped their membership cannot shoot as a guest of a member. They must renew their membership in order to shoot at the club. However, a former member whose membership was dropped due to moving away from the area may shoot as a guest within the parameters of this policy when visiting the area (item 3 or 4).
- Non-residents who present proof of membership in another gun club where they live or current membership in the ATA, NSSA, or NSCA may shoot at our club and may shoot as often as desired while in town for a period not to exceed one (1) month. After one month, guests may join the club to continue their shooting activity. These guests will pay the current standard fees for shooting.
- Non-residents here for an extended visit (e.g., a temporary or seasonal job relocation) will have the option of joining the club on a temporary pro-rated basis for a period not to exceed three (3) consecutive months. Exceptions to this may be considered by the Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis. Temporary membership will allow the person to have full shooting privileges at the current member prices; however, they cannot serve as a director or official of the club, and they will not have voting privileges.
- Under NO circumstances is a member to give his gate security code to any non-member.
- Under NO circumstances is a member to give his ERAD device to any non-member to use if the member is not present.